Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Getting Started On Your Oil Adventure

Getting started on your oily adventure is super simple!  It does not have to be complicated.  Get started today and I will be your guide as you learn your way with the oils.  You will always have my support as well as my team! We have wonderful private Facebook groups with loads of information and help.  And if you are not on Facebook please don't worry you will be covered. I don't want anyone to feel intimated with beginning to use oils. I want you to want to learn how to live a clean non-toxic life but certainly not being overwhelmed. 

Click on the kit you are interested in to get started. 

Of course let me know if you need some help with deciding on what is the best kit for your to get started with.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Welcome to Artsy Oils

Hi there!  I'm so glad you found me here at Artsy Oils.  My goal is to share the wonderful world of  Essential Oils with you!  There is so much information out there and so many companies to choose from which can make it so confusing. 

I started using oils about 3 years ago.  A friend of mine (now my upline) was very much involved in these little brown bottles of oils.  I had no idea what it was all about and honestly thought it was a little crazy.  I remember being at a school event and another mom had a cold.  My "oil" friend pulled out a bottle of Eucalyptus and had the sick mom put a drop in her hand and inhale.  I didn't get involved and actually walked away very skeptical.  

Fast forward and I begin hearing my friends stories about oils and the experiences of so many different people.  She had even attended a huge event for this oil company where loads of stories were shared.  I heard these stories many times.  It wasn't until probably a year or two after this she hosted an event called "Non-Toxic Cleaning with Essential Oils", OK now you have my attention.  I'm thinking wait you can clean with these little bottles of oils?? What??  After going to that class and learning about cleaning and using non-toxic products I was sold! I started researching and learning and soon signed up and got my own oils.  Since then I have made countless of my own products and cleaning solutions.  And now I LOVE sharing the power of these oils from cleaning to health.  It's amazing what these little bottles can actually do once you learn more.

I invite you to explore the wonderful possibilities of these oils and what they have to offer.  I look forward to sharing loads of information and many DIY projects.  I would love to hear from you and what you want to learn as well. The oils that I will be referring to are DoTERRA Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.  I will share how quality and sourcing truly makes a difference with the effectiveness of the oils.

Thanks for stopping by!



Coming Oct 1 the brand new Wellness Program with DoTERRA.   Take charge of health and wellness with this no brainer program.   If you are b...